We collaborate with architects, artists, engineers, and financiers with advice on room acoustics and sound isolation.
We bring decades of enthusiasm, firsthand experience, and fine attention to detail.
We share our technical expertise to discover a project's unique needs and the path to solving them.
Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Project types
Performing arts
Great performances make great theaters. And great acoustics are at the root of thrilling performing arts. We work for professional arts complexes, conservatories and universities, civic groups and everyone else excited by live performance.
Intimate drama
Nothing creates electricity like seeing and hearing masters of their craft up close. Complete immersion of all the senses without distraction is what makes for an evening of great theater.
The pursuit of perfection in performance is a lifelong journey. It is important to prime young musicians with a space to grow and learn as they prepare to take the global stage.
When studying great works of art in public or academic settings, a calm, peaceful atmosphere is critical - and acoustics plays a big part. Museums with interactive displays require the special acoustical attention that we can provide.
Recording studios
Some of the greatest acoustical challenges are encountered in the design of recording studios: excellent conditions for performers, critical listening environments for engineers and producers, and extraordinary levels of acoustical isolation and low background noise are absolute musts.
Live music
A great concert experience is all about the energy between artists and fans. Great acoustics means extraordinary clarity at high volumes and a venue whose ambience makes electric enthusiasm contagious. Great acoustics also means being mindful of the neighbors.